Monday, October 29, 2012

Testing the Barbie Car.

Please do the following:

1.  Take a picture of Barbie in the car and out of the car.
2.  Measure Mu of the floor and your Barbie system by using the force probe over by the printer.
3.  Measure the angle of the ramp used to accelerate Barbie.  
4. You will run Barbie down the ramp 3 times

  • for time #1, use the logger pro and create a distance graph as Barbie comes down the ramp, but before the vehicle crashes.  Print the graph and the data table.  Mark the starting point with a piece of tape
  • Attach an accelerometer to Barbie's lap and to the front of the vehicle, just inside the red lip of the cart.  Run the car with the front Bumper.  Print the graphs and the data table.
  • Repeat, but this time, use the back Bumper.   Barbie will be facing uphill in this trial.   Again, print the graphs and the data table.
5.  Draw a force diagram for Barbie on the hill (break down the Force normal and the Force down the hill using a scaled diagram or trig).  Calculate MU of the board.
6.  Draw a force diagram for Barbie on the floor.  Label F(f), Force(weight), Force(normal), and F(net).  Show calculations for F(applied)
7.  Calculate how many g-forces Barbie had acting on her by dividing the accelerometer value by 9.8, the value of 1 g.  

1) Vertical axis g-force:
a) positive: untrained: 5 g; trained, with special suit: 9 g
b) negative (drive blood to the head): - 3 g
c) instantaneous: 40 g
d) deadly: 100 g (record: 179 g)

2) Horizontal axis g-force
"The human body is considerably more able to survive g-forces that are perpendicular to the spine."
Untrained humans:
a) pushing the body backwards: 17 g
b) pushing the body forwards: 12 g

3) "Strongest g-forces survived by humans
Voluntarily: Colonel John Stapp in 1954 sustained 46.2 g in a rocket sled, while conducting research on the effects of human deceleration.
Involuntarily: Formula One racing car driver David Purley survived an estimated 179.8 g in 1977 when he decelerated from 173 km·h−1 (108 mph) to 0 in a distance of 66 cm (26 inches) after his throttle got stuck wide open and he hit a wall."
Source for all quotes and further information: 


Write a group report.   Different people can do different parts, but I should see evidence of everyone's efforts in the process.  

  • Which bumper worked better?  How do you know?
  • What does your calculation of MU look like on the floor and on the hill? (you may want to take pictures of your work and upload)
  • Explain your design process and seat belt.
  • Does Barbie survive your collisions?
  • What was the effect of the roll-cage?  Could you simulate something with our equipment to show this?
  • What have you learned?

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Car Safety Systems: Barbie's First Test

Take a look at common high-tech safety systems and basic safety systems.

Make a list of at least 5 features you wish to build into your Barbie design vehicle.

Find the Fw of the Barbie and the Fw of the car before testing the vehicle.  Record separately.

Task:  Between now and Monday, you will design a safety system for a Barbie and her car.  It must include:

  • a seat
  • a rollcage
  • two different bumpers
  • a seatbelt
Barbie or GI Joe must be able to get in or out of the vehicle easily.

Materials are flexible; however, you may not use a balloon or ziploc bag

Be prepared to share your documentation on Monday.   You may either type it into a shared Google Doc, or write it and send it to me via a series of .jpgs.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Sunday, October 14, 2012

10/15-10/10 Bridge Design and Execution

Go to  and download the 2012 software.  Run the install program and decide on your bridge.(pwd: ad9der1)

Your goal for day one is to get a working bridge that is NOT a suspension bridge, and then minimize costs.

You will receive points for

  • the weight your bridge can hold
  • the design cost of your bridge
  • the aesthetics of your bridge design and its build
  • the agreement in design size between your bridge and your model

When you get a working design, you will need to save the file and minimize the costs.  When you think you are done, send me a copy of the design file.

Building the model:

You may use straws (a hollow core structure) or a bamboo skewer model. Please bring these on Tuesday, as well as glue guns and glue sticks. Your group size must be 3 or less.

Your reflection of the bridge is found here.   It must be completed individually.  Thanks!

10/15 Spring Scale Reflection

Enter your data into a Google Spreadsheet and share with me, please.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

10/9 DUE DATE is tomorrow

Today, you need to figure out how 'MapMyRide' and the 'Facebook/Foursquare' sharing work.   You need to finish the vector work you started. need to fill out the Google form on the previous post (that needs to be done individually).

GPS technology has a lot of benefits, but it is also is a concern for privacy advocates.   Your phone can serve as a beacon for your location, which could be good or could be bad.   Sharing your location voluntarily can let you meet up with friends on an impromptu basis, or it can allow someone to creep on you.  We are able to pinpoint and strike locations militarily and we are able to farm acres with more precision.  Even our weather can be pinpointed.  So where is the balance, and how will you use GPS technology?  That is the point of the second question, and should be a paragraph or two long.

Questions....please call me at 5636081900 or skype me at marcia_powell

Friday, October 5, 2012

Vector representations

As a culture, we have increasingly become reliant on GPS technology.  Farming, map-making, navigation, surveying, and military identification are increasingly connected to this network of satellite locations.


A.   Explain to me, using a hand-drawn picture, how GPS works.
B. Use Google Maps/Google Earth and find the exact location of five landmarks in the West Delaware District. Create a series of vector representations that tell me how far each landmark is from the old front door of the school.  List the starting GPS coordinate, the final GPS coordinate, the path length/degrees, and the two legs.
C. Check into these location, as well as the school using a GPS receiver or a smartphone software tool. If you choose to use the GPS, you will need to geocache the trip.

Common smartphone tools:
Turn in your completed project by Tuesday at the end of class.  Groups larger than 3 will not be accepted.

Fill out the Google Form as your reflection

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

10/3 and 10/4 Google Earth Vector Trip

Your goal is to take a 6 stop trip around the world, starting and ending someplace in the West Delaware school district.  Along the way, scrapbook, in some way, the important landmarks you find.  You may have one partner.

Use the path feature of Google earth to help you determine the vector for each, and separate into component legs.   This form  will be helpful.

When we get done, we will write a reflection on what you've found out.  Expect this at the beginning of the class on Friday.

Grading is highlighted by the checklist found here