Friday, September 28, 2012

9/28 Intro to Vectors

Step 1: You, along with one or other designers , will be putting together a 9-hole golf course. The maximum area available for the golf course is a land area that is 1760 yds by 2650 yds (you do not need to use all the land). A lovely creek (not a river) runs through the land, and there are trees on two edges, and a housing development on a third. You will need to have PAR information to do this, but these values are approximate, so you do have some leeway.

For the purpose of this activity, cost is no object, so trees and sand traps can be added at will.

Establish a scale: ___10___ yards = 1 cm is quite common

Draw a detailed sketch of your course using the paper by the meter sticks and hand in. Make sure you have added a compass rose and have marked the scale on your paper. 
Color the course using colored pencils or crayons.

Provide a vector length and heading for the first leg of each hole

Hints: Club houses are often 6000-15000 sq. ft. Houses are often 1800-4000 sq. ft., with the upper range representing a mansion-style home.
If you choose to make a mini-golf course, you have an area that is 100 yds by 500 yds, and must include a clubhouse, a parking lot, 9 holes of golf, and a snack shop On one side of the course must be a go-kart course.

Hint: Google 'golf course design' if you need a sample to get ideas.

Step 2 :
Each person in your group will make a scale drawing of one hole, using a scale of 3 cm = 120 yards, in Google Presentation, Open Office Presents, or Power Point. The scale drawing will be done digitally using Power Point, but three copies of the hole must be handed in. Label the drawing with a hole number, mark the tee with a T, and the hole in a flag. Make sure the compass rose on this drawing matches the orientation of the hole on t he master course. The master course must also be handed in.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

9/20-9/24 Worktime

1.  Check your answers to the 6 book problems you completed with mapowell.

2.  Using your data on the graphs, mark where the car came off the ramp and why you believe that.  Take the v(i) at that point ____m/s,  and determine the interval of time where your car is traveling at a pretty constant speed ____s.   Why doesn't the car travel at a constant speed forever?  Explain.

3.  Using your data and the video, determine the acceleration down the ramp.   Identify the d, v(i), v(f), t, associated with this value that you calculated.

4.  Why is it important to keep the camera still while recording a video for physics?

5.  How far did your edible car travel, and how could you improve it next time.   Be specific.

(Steps 3-5 must be done INDIVIDUALLY.    Your group will hand in the graphs and INDIVIDUAL summaries as a group.)


Start at  and go through the two lessons on:

Friday, September 14, 2012


Task 1:   You need to form groups of  2 to 3   This will be your team for the project.

Task 2:  Logger Pro and the world of motion.   Use a ramp and a cart to create a series of d-t and v-t graphs.  For each, you need to print the screen (one copy PER group), and then highlight 4 evenly-spaced time points on the v-t and d-t graphs.  For these, you will note the individual distances, velocities and times using the data chart to the right.   The setups include:

  • a motion detector  at the top of a ramp, and a cart traveling down
  • a motion detector at the bottom of a ramp and a cart traveling towards (but not hitting) the motion detector
  • a motion detector attached to the ceiling and someone creating a vertical jump by standing, crouching, jumping, and then standing again
  • a motion detector that is at the top of a ramp and a cart that is pushed up from the bottom, and then allowed to fall again.
Task 3:   Edible Race Cars.   Each member of your group must construct an entirely edible race car (except for 2 bamboo skewers, which may be used in any way desired).   The car will travel down a a ramp that has a motion detector at the top and must travel for 1 m.  Create a side view video of what is happening for each person using video.  THIS WILL BE DONE ON MONDAY OR TUESDAY.

Task 4:   Copy the motion formulas on a notecard to be placed into your calculator or binder.    Complete 7 of the 12 problems assigned by the teacher on pp. 82-83   (2, 35, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17, 18)

d = v(i)t + 1/2at^2
d = t * [v(i) + v(f)] /2

v(f) = v(i) + at

v(f)^2 = v(i)^2 + 2ad

Thursday, September 13, 2012

9/14 analysis of movies

Watch the movies your classmaites have created.    You must summarize each of them in a sentences or two in your notes, noting who made the movie and what it was about.

Now, we will analyze your movie and another group's movie.

1.  Watch the movie.  If you were to tape a ruler to the screen, could you track the motion as a type of dot diagram across the screen.

2.  Was a left motion visible?   What type was it?

3.  Was a right motion visible?  What type was it?

4.  Was an acceleration visible?  What type was it?

Open up Logger Pro and insert the movie that you believe was the best representation of the dot diagrams we did physics.

Logger pro will allow you to do a motion analysis.  Follow the directions given in class to chart the left motion, the right motion,and the acceleration.   Print the d-t and v-t graphs for each one.

9/10-9/12 Stop Motion Animation

Student are working with d-t, v-t, and a-t graphs, as well as formula representations and identifications of variables.

Students also will create a stop motion animation that shows a movement to the left at constant speed, a movement to the right at constant speed, and an acceleration of sometype.   The animation must have 30 frames or greater.

The pictures should be sewn together using Windows Live Movie Maker and rendered, with a final copy being presented to Mrs. Powell.

Finished movies are found here

9/2 -9/5

Activities done during this point include

  • Walk this way activity to translate personal motion into graphs
  • Logger pro work
  • Analysis of d-t and v-t graphs
  • Homework focused on this translation

We missed Labor Day and another day this week for classtime, along with 2 early outs.