- Take the test. The wonderful sub has it on her desk. Spread out so you have room and hand it in when you are done. Mr. Shaw and Mr. Fessler will write the formulas on the board for you to use, as well as the five possible variables: d, vi, vf, a, t. If you have a question, ask those two and they will try to help you.
- Get in teams of 2 or 3 people. You will be going through Lesson 1 For each lesson, you must draw a picture, and write a one or two sentence summary. Put your group member names on it and hand in.
- Hand in any missing documents you want graded
- Go through as much of the PHET Vector summary as possible. Hand in on Thursday and then again on Friday. This also will be done in groups. (I realize that you don't all have this background, which is why you need to do the reading first.)
- Text me at 563SIXZEROEIGHT1900 if you need anything.
Friday is a really short day! Happy homecoming!