Task 1: We are starting to look at old animation techniques (frame-by-frame) vs. new (computer). To do this, we have to capture some video using a video capture (screen capture) utility. Alternatively, you can use a good video camera and get a clip from a tv set, but then you have to convert it to a from that the computer will accept.
Your task is to get a clip of a digitally animated system that is 30 to 40 seconds long and shows constant horizontal motion, changing horizontal motion and vertical motion. You need to upload this video as a .avi file to your document storage in Google Docs, and share with your group and with me.
Along the way, you need to PERSONALLY document in some way the differences the following concepts (I will ask for this on Friday):
- file types, including avi, mpg, mov, mp4,flv etc
- codecs, and why they matter
- the difference between rendered videos and video projects
- how to use and install a screen capture utility
- how to use Windows Movie Maker, Uploading features, and digital video
Task 3: Repeat Task 2 with the uploaded video that I have approved from Task 1.
Task 4: Start gathering ticker tape data for six situations on your video. To do this, we will need to use a Windows Media Maker project, not an actual video. This video data must be entered into a Google Docs Spreadsheet and a scattergram must be generated for all six of them.
Expect a quiz on Friday.