Thursday, April 28, 2011

Momentum, Impulse, and Crash Scenes

You will have one hour to complete as much of the investigation as possible.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Momentum problem day.

Watch the Khan academy video as a class

Go through the worksheet packet as far as possible.   This should include the first two worksheets by tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Lesson Plans for April 20

(each is worth 5 points EC)



Monday, April 18, 2011

Monday, 4/18

Bungie Barbie Writeup

Please finish the test review in your packet.   Questions 7 and 13 are optional.

The review will be corrected on Wednesday in class, so you should have tried all problems.  TEST Thursday.

Bungie Barbie is due by Monday, but earlier is preferred.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Barbie and the SeatBelt

Look at the following:

Draw a diagram for your force net for both the collision into the wall and the collision with cups.

Determine Barbie's g-force in each case (accel/accel(g)).  Determine the net force on Barbie, using the accelerometer value, and the Net force on Barbie and the car.

Comment on the design of your seat belt and bumper in terms of a) durability b) safety and c) similarity to air bag principles.

Write a one page summary of what you have learned.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Wed, 4/6

1.  Take the test.  The substitute will have it for you.  No more than 3 people at a table, please.  Others can use a whiteboard or the counters as their space.  

When you get finished, you will be going to the Phet Filing Cabinet lab and doing the activity found here   Please note that the 'coefficienct of friction' is what we call 'mu'