Friday, August 27, 2010

Modeling and Questions about Radioactivity

1. a) Using things available in the classroom, construct a model of the Rutherford experiment.

2. On a whiteboard,

   a) Explain the difference between a detector and a probe.

   b) Explain the difference in half life between I-123 and Th-229. (Use yesterday's sheet).

   c) Contrast fission and fusion.

   d) How would you respond to an extremely obsessive person who wanted to avoid radiation at all costs.

 Ideas from the video:

 *Secrets of the universe
 - 27 km circumference (about 5,000 trips/second)
- Experiments, not just 'Theory'.
- 270 degrees (brrrrrrrrrrr).
 -Billions of dollars.
 - 5,000 pharmacists, plus computer staff, plus maintenance, housing, food workers, constructors.
 - Magnets 'Steer' particles.
 - 10,000 EB data/second.
- International collaboration particles.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Twitter Quiz #1

Today's Twitter Quiz question:

Tweet to 40404 as follows:
@mapowell Name, B1. 1. 2. 3.
(me) (you) (block) (answers)

1. List three benefits of radioactivity.
2. Which type of radiation do you believe is most dangerous and why?

The Story thus far....8/23/2010

Thus far we have covered:

alpha decay
beta decay
gamma decay
parent isotope
daughter isotope
half-life curve
radiation dangers
benefits to society